- Barbour MM, Loucos KE, Lockhart EL, Shrestha A, McCallum D, Simonin KA, Song X, Griffani DS, Farquhar GD (2020) Can hydraulic design explain patterns of leaf water isotopic enrichment in C3 plants? Plant, Cell and Environment (in press).
- Théroux-Rancourt G, Roddy AB, Earles JM, Gilbert ME, Zwieniecki MA, Boyce KC, Tholen D, McElrone AJ, Simonin KA, Brodersen CR. (2020) Maimum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size, biorxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.16.904458v1.full
- Roddy AB, Théroux-Rancourt G, Abbo T, Benedetti JW, Brodersen CR, Castro M, Castro S, Gilbride AB, Jensen B, Jiang G-F, Perkins JA, Perkins SD, Loureiro J, Syed Z, Thompson RA, Kuebbing SE, Simonin KA. (2019) The scaling of genome size and cell size limits maximum rates of photosynthesis with implications for ecological strategies. International Journal of Plant Sciences (in press; preprint available at biorxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/619585v2).
- Roddy, AB, Jiang G-F, Cao K-F, Simonin KA, Broderssen C. (2019) Hydraulic traits are more diverse in flowers than in leaves. New Phytologist (preprint available at biorxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/03/461244).
- Roddy AB, Simonin KA, McCulloh KA, Brodersen CR, Dawson TE (2018) Water relations of Calycanthus flowers: hydraulic conductance, capacitance and embolism resistance. Plant, Cell and Environment 41: 2250 – 2262. (preprint available at: bioRxiv, 182915)
- Simonin KA, Roddy AB (2018) Genome downsizing, physiological novelty, and the global dominance of flowering plants PLoS Biology 16(1): e2003706(preprint available at: bioRxiv, 174615)
- Owens MT, Trujillo G, Seidel SB, Harrison CD, Farrar K, Benton HP, Blair JR, Boyer KE, Breckler JL, Burrus LW, Byrd DT, Caporale N, Carpenter EJ, Yee-Hung, Chan M, Chen J, Chen L, Chu DS, Cochlan WP, Crook RJ, Crow KD, de la Torre JR, Denetclaw WF, Dowdy L, Franklin D, Fuse M, Goldman MA, Govinda B, Green M, Harris HE, He Z-H, Ingalls S, Ingmire PD, Johnson A, Knight JD, LeBuhn G, Leasure C, Light TL, Low C, Lund L, Márquez-Magaña LM, Miller-Sims V, Moffat CA, Murdock H, Nusse GL, Parker VT, Pasion SG, Patterson R, Pennings PS, Ramirez J, Ramirez R, Riggs B, Rohlfs RV, Romeo J, Rothman B, Roy SW, Russo-Tait T, Sehgal R, Simonin K, Spicer GS, Stillman JH, Swei A, Tempe L, Vredenburg V, Weinstein SL, Zin A, Kelley LA, Domingo CR, Tanner KD (2017) Collectively improving our teaching: Attempting biology department-wide professional development in scientific teaching. SBE: Life Sciences Education.
- Loucos KE, Simonin KA, Barbour MM (2017) Leaf hydraulic conductance and mesophyll conductance are not closely related within a single species. Plant, Cell and Environment 40: 203 – 215.
- Lockhart E, Wild B, Richter A, Simonin K, Merchant A (2016) Stress-induced changes in carbon allocation among metabolite pools influence isotope-based predictions of water use efficiency in Phaseolus vulgaris. Functional Plant Biology 43: 1149 - 1158.
- Smith M, Wild B, Richter A, Simonin K, Merchant A (2016) Carbon isotope composition of carbohydrates and polyols in leaf and phloem sap of Phaseolus VulgarisL. influences predictions of plant water use efficiency. Plant and Cell Physiology 57: 1756 - 1766.
- Barbour MM, Evans JR, Simonin KA, Caemmerer S (2016) Online CO2and H2O oxygen isotope fractionation allows estimation of mesophyll conductance in C4 plants, and reveals that mesophyll conductance decreases as leaves age in both C4 and C3 plants. New Phytologist210: 875 – 889.
- Cernusak LA, Barbour MM, Cheesman AW, English NB, Field TS, Helliker BR, Holloway-Phillips MM, Holtum JAM, Kahmen A, McInerney FA, Munksgaard NC, Simonin KA, Song X, Stuart-Williams H, West JB, Farquhar GD (2016) Stable isotopes in plant water. Plant, Cell and Environment 39: 1087 - 1102.
- Song X, Simonin KA, Loucos KE, Barbour MM (2015) Modeling non-steady-state isotope enrichment of leaf water in a gas-exchange cuvette environment. Plant, Cell and Environmentdoi: 10.1111/pce.12571
- Song X, Loucos KE, Simonin KA, Farquhar GD, Barbour MM (2015) Measurements of transpiration isotopologues and leaf water support a two-pool leaf water model. New Phytologist 206: 637 – 646.
- Simonin KA, Burns E, Choat B, Barbour MM, Dawson TE, Franks PJ. (2015) Increasing leaf hydraulic conductance with transpiration rate minimizes the water potential drawdown from stem to leaf. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 1303 – 1315.
- Loucos KE, Simonin KA, Song X, Barbour MM (2015) Observed relationships between leaf H218O Péclet effective length and leaf hydraulic conductance reflect assumptions in Craig-Gorgon model calculations. Tree Physiology 35: 16 – 26.
- Link P, Simonin K, Maness H, Oshun J, Dawson T, Fung I. (2014) Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half-hourly sap flow observations. Water Resources Research: DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014023
- Simonin KA, Link P, Oshun J, Rempe D, Bode C, Dietrich B, Fung I, Dawson TE. (2014) Vegetation induced changes in the stable isotope composition of near surface humidity. Ecohydrology 7: 936 – 949.
- Simonin KA, Roddy A, Link P, Apodaca R, Tu K, Hu J, Barbour MM, Dawson TE (2013) Isotopic composition of transpiration and rates of change in leaf water isotopologue storage in response to environmental variables. Plant, Cell and Environment 36: 2190 – 2206.
- Simonin KA, Limm EB, Dawson TE (2012) Hydraulic conductance of leaves correlates with leaf lifespan: implications for lifetime carbon gain. New Phytologist 193: 939 – 947.
- Kahmen A, Simonin K, Tu K, Goldsmith GR, Dawson TE (2009) The influence of species and growing conditions on the 18O enrichment of leaf water and its impact on ‘effective path length’. New Phytologist 184: 619-630.
- Limm EB, Simonin KA, Bothman AG, Dawson TE (2009) Foliar water uptake: a common water acquisition strategy for plants of the redwood forest. Oecologia 161: 449-459.
- Simonin KA, Santiago LS, Dawson TE (2009) Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens(D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit. Plant, Cell and Environment 32: 882-892.
- Kahmen A, Simonin K, Tu K, Merchant A, Callister A, Siegwolf R, Dawson TE, Arndt SK (2008) Effects of environmental parameters, leaf physiological properties and leaf water relations on leaf water d18O enrichment in different Eucalyptusspecies. Plant, Cell and Environment 31: 738-751.
- Dawson TE, Burgess SSO, Tu KP, Oliveira RS, Santiago LS, Fisher JB, Simonin KA, Ambrose AR (2007) Nighttime transpiration in woody plants from contrasting ecosystems. Tree Physiology 27: 561-575.
- Simonin K , Kolb TE, Montes-Helu M, Koch GW (2007) The influence of thinning on components of stand water balance in a ponderosa pine forest stand during and after extreme drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143: 266-276.
- Simonin K, Kolb TE, Montes-Helu M, Koch GW (2006) Restoration thinning and the influence of tree size and leaf area to sapwood area ratio on Pinus ponderosa(Laws.) water relations. Tree Physiology 26: 493-503.